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a study of discrimination on transgendered people


    As a visible vocal advocate for the transgender community in my area I was aware of and took part in this study as did the Madison and Milwaukee area trans groups so the figures didn’t astound me but they certainly did dismay me I was well aware of what most of the numbers were from talking to people but to see them printed drives it home even more deeply.

    If any other single segment of society were singled out for this level of discrimination it would never be tolerated and if any segment of society had such a heartbreakingly horrendous suicide rate there would be so many groups trying to help and government studies done with such a public outcry to fix the problem it would be world news but because it’s a transgender problem it gets swept under the rug.

    I’m probably preaching to the choir here but in case anyone isn’t aware of how bad things are here is the link for the study results

    . http://www.thetaskforce.org/reports_and_research/ntds

    I posted a little about this and the link to it on my Face book page and I hope everyone here will post something about this and post the link on their face book page, Twitter, your blog or whatever else you use and try to raise peoples awareness of how bad it really is

    Thank you for the use of this site and allowing me to post this here in an effort to raise awareness of the problem. I hope no one will be offended by my efforts.

    Hugs to all
