The Love I Seek
The Love I Seek -
Why dost thou hide from my sight, oh love?
Devotedly I seek thee, my thoughts so bright.
But thou art not in the azure skies far above,
Nor there, amidst the million stars of night!
But I seek thee, and I am here to be sought…
My heart is here, and my spirit is as a dove.
Hast thou not glimpsed my deepest thought?
I send it forth, and in hope my prayer strove.
The songbirds of spring, they echo my hope,
That my girlish heart shall be beloved soon…
By one who knows of warm passion’s scope!
Shall we dance ere long, beneath the moon?
Love need not be high upon a difficult slope,
For I am here to be found: if thou art sincere.
Let us scale the heavens, without any rope…
On wings of happiness, leaving a joyful tear.
Of that which I seek, I sing this song so fair,
In hopes: that my soul’s mate might listen…
I dance in the twilight, the moon in my hair.
Whilst above, the celestial lights do glisten!
Love is a quest, a treasure beyond compare,
And I am the princess who seeks it eternal…
I am here waiting, my deepest heart to share.
Love is a flame, hot, but not quite infernal!