A Rainy Start..


    It is raining so hard here in my place, very cold, dark, and frightening sound of thunder really make so frigthened about the rain. Instead of becoming afraid , I have decided to make a profile of my own in this site. I am looking forward to meet someone who is kind and loving, I still remember that day in 2002 when the person that I love most left me for nothing. It was raining so hard too that day and I was soaking in wet under the rain when he left me. He never notice that I was really shedding in tears. After the event, I really dont know what to do.. For years I was so numb to feel love or to fall in love again. Its raining again and I can recall clearly the events that took place during that saddest part of my life. For years I kept myself hidden in the pain. Now its raining once again, I have decided to stand up  and let myself open to the reality that pain and heartache are parts of our human lives. I should open my heart to someone who can pour me love and embrace me for being who i am including my past. This rain will symbolise how I was hurt and how I was able to stand up again after so many years. I really wish that after this rain and after I finish my profile here, just like the rain and rainbow after the rain, hope I could also meet my special someone here.