I like Guys to be Open and Trusting!

I am the complete opposite of jealous and controlling. I cope better with an open, trusting relationship. I need to date someone who is confident of my love whilst knowing that I might occasionally play around especially with him in the picture too. My ideal guy is someone who has guy and girl friends and doesn't feel he needs to drop all that for me.  I need someone with his own guy interests who respects that I have my own life just like he has his. Expecting a guy to give that stuff up is ridiculous.  It's generally what makes me fancy him in the first place, why ask him to change.  His life is what makes him an interesting guy!
The truth is though guys that you can never ensure your girlfriend's fidelity by being jealous and controlling. We will however respond if you trust us and try to keep us satisfied! Fidelity requires more than you asking hateful questions about where we've been or trying to restrict our friendships with others!
Being open and playful doesn't mean I can't love.  When I fall for a guy it is usually truly, madly, deeply. I could never be in love with more guy at a time though. Strangely for someone who loves to play around sexually I am strictly a one guy at a time sort of girl when it comes to romance.
I suppose that means that sex and love though linked for me are not inextricably so. I realise that can sometimes be a problem for jealous guys who don't swing or play around and have fun themselves.
Will I ever change? Possibly if I ever meet the right person. With the right sort of sexually adventurous guy he could probably clip my wings and hold me provided he was willing to have sex with me, minimum, twice a day lol. Being a demanding lady has its downsides; he has to be one heck of a guy to keep you satisfied!
Jane xx