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----------------------------------------My Personality Traits, and Stats-----------------------------------------
 I was 'extruded' in Brooklyn, NY in September, Gift with a bowBirthday cakeGift with a bow 1972. I am very polite, caring, considerate of other people's feelings, and have been told by many of my close friends that I have a very good sense of humor, & that I am also a terrific impersonator. I love to make others laugh, & it means a lot to me to spread cheer, to make others laugh to have a very good time. In some circumstances, I am the life of the party (so to speak), but not in all cases. I generally like to parouse w/a group of people & to keep a low profile, until I get to know new people with whom I feel comfortable w/. At that point, I begin to feel much more comfortable in opening up my unique personality, wild & zany sense of humor.
  5'9" (shoes off) / I weigh in at 265lb. / Shaved bald/I have big brown eyes / I have lightly tanned skin / I have No kids/No pets but used to have a big Basset Hound named Huckleberry whom I love and miss, very, very much / No 'tatts' / No body piercings / I don't smoke / No drink / No obnoxious habits / No limps (or chimps... LOL!) / No disfigurement (thank God!) / I'm Drug and Disease-FREE / No warrants (just thought u'd like to know! Lol) / I've never been married although I look forward to the possibility of getting married some day (to the right person, of course) / I wear glasses w/plastic black frames / Clean-shaven / Roundish facial features / I like to dress casually and usually do--my favorite style of shirts r ones w/collars; I normally don't like to wear polo shirts / I wear size 13W sneakers and size 12W boots. My favorite style of shoe which I wear r steel toes / I consider myself to b a BHM (Big Hansom Man) & I'm also well-groomed / I usually walk at a fast pace / I rent an apartment here in Lancaster, PA, USA 17603 / My favorite restaurant here in Lancaster, PA is called the "House of Pizza". Located on Chestnut St here in the city of Lancaster, PA, they have terrific cheese steaks. I HIGHLY recommend the H.o.P for either lunch or dinner. The service is good, and for only 25 cents, they will give u refills on any drink. They also make homemade iced tea--which I really like. So, if u happen to live in the area, u may try peering in to the H.o.P on occasion, as you may find me there sitting down normally in the front of the facility to keep an eye on my mountain bike, but normally choose to sit in front of the restaraunt, right near the huge front windows to look at all of the people and traffic headed east, up Chestnut St. I generally get around w/a very good mountain bike; it is a yellow 'tricked-out' Diamondback. My bike is very well-known here in my city of Lancaster. I've retrofitted 15" 'rise' handle bars to my bike, & I've also customized all of my brake cable & shifter cables along w/all of the housings. It's pretty 'bitch'n'! I love my bike, maintain it well, and I normally do a lot of riding. I also usually pull a yellow bike trailer in tow, & it is also a bit 'tricked out'. Lol