Results for "24/7"


    • holly
      so hey everyone. my name's holly. i just wanted to tell everyone that views my profile a little bit about me. and how i came to be. my childhood was extremely rough. my parents are of russian romanian decent. i'm first generation american. for the first years of my life i grew up in a very poor household in texas. my mother became very ill and was bed ridden. she took an excessive ammount of pain relievers so she was conked out cold most of the time. but in the other room, unspeakable things happend. in short, my father sold me as a child prostitute from the early age of 7 to 12. when i turned 12 i built up the courage  to runaway and i lived on the harsh streets of los angeles for some time. life then was devastatingly hard. at times it seemed unbearable. but one day, when i was about 14 LAYN (los angeles youth network) found me and took me back to their facility. their they provided me with shelter, clothing, food and everything i needed. they helped me understand what my father did to me was not my fault and that i was a victim. the staff provided me with more than enough love and support. they helped me finish school, get into college, find a job, everything. i'll always be greatful to them. in their hearts i've found a home. in fact i still reside with them. but i'm looking for an apartment at the moment but yeah thats my story.
      • Dave the Rave
          Like all things the marriage had run its course after 7 years but dont let the fact that I am in my early 40's I am still a big kid at heart and have lots of energy.

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