Results for "gay"


    • Why Not?
      People started coming out of the closet, so homophobes, whose only knowledge of gay people was that the bible says they're bad and going to hell, suddenly had cognitive dissonance: "I know that gays are bad people, but I just found out Bob is gay and he's a good person.
      • Grim
        It is insanely hard to come to terms - for two years I thought I was gay despite not being attracted to men and spent a year periodically crossdressing before I realized it didn't do a thing for my psyche.
        • Xavier
            What I believe your real issue to be is when a man cannot come to terms with his own sexuality - the age old question of whether or not being with a trangendered person makes them gay or not. That really has nothing to do with being or not being passable because this man can find the most 'passable' TS on earth and he'll still worry about being 'outed'.
          • I'm Strange But You Like It:)
            Most trans attracted men want a girl to be totally undetectable and this is so that they can hide their self shameful deeds to the public and not appear to be gay to the world, but yet want to suck , and be pounded by a girl with their love stick, the bigger the better!

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