Results for "public"


    • Arejaynkaitlyn
      Maybe the reasoning for lack of exposure for some guys is that they feel like In the public eye they will be viewed as dating a female. Here on this site it's evident that the male is interested in a transgender, which we all know in this society is still viewed as male, which causes them to fear exposure.
      • 206islandkween
        That's not love. You can't be seen in public together. Can't tell people who your man is? You basically just fuck buddies if you ask me!
        • Grim
          I've been the angry guy with a shitty attitude in a public place with my girlfriend before and it's overwhelmingly because she insists on having the conversation there specifically, not necessarily because I'm a complete douchebag throwing a temper tantrum.It sort of strikes me as odd that you're in your mid-fourties and still volleying with this idea that good women always fall for crappy men.

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