Results for "record"


  • White Trash sissyfaggot's outdoor outfit
    This is the exact outfit sissyfaggot wore to hang up the laundry in the back yard on its clothesline... same undergarments as the above picture with added denim short-shorts, and cut-off pink striped blouse!!!! For the record sissyfaggot lives in a heavily populated neighborhood on the northside of Des Moines, Iowa...
  • White Trash sissyfaggot's clothesline adventure!!!!
    This is the exact outfit sissyfaggot wore to hang up the laundry in the back yard on its clothesline... same undergarments as the above picture with added denim short-shorts, and cut-off pink striped blouse!!!! For the record sissyfaggot lives in a heavily populated neighborhood on the northside of Des Moines, Iowa...

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