Results for "touchy offensive offense offend offended hate tg"


    • Kai Jay
      Very generic but coming from you it's hilarious.Oh and I blocked emails coming from the tg site which was the only way for you to make sure I saw your message while staying cowardly hidden, BUT since I took the liberty to block the sender which is the entire site/app I won't see it anymore.
      • I'm Strange But You Like It:)
        For starters no offense was taken by your post. I actually respect the fact that you were man enough to admit that you contribute to being one of those men whom objectify us.
        • EduardoTSLover
          Here is a copy of his or her letter i`ve got on my inbox: My dear Eddie,  Thanks for your reply, Please do not be offended by the way or manner i came to you, it is about the only way i could get to you after going through your profile and I prayed over it and selected your name among other names due to the nature of my proposal,which requires a reputable and trustworthy person.

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