Activity of jaye unique myers
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10647061_855543717835521_5894832410314531560_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11227411_922258527830706_3421617035950498620_o to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10410963_867197550003471_7102632790367567062_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers created a new photo album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10347238_817262761663617_46843191905045775_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10647061_855543717835521_5894832410314531560_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11227411_922258527830706_3421617035950498620_o.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10410963_867197550003471_7102632790367567062_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 1559340_790971764292717_486130582397558228_o to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10647061_855543717835521_5894832410314531560_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10347238_817262761663617_46843191905045775_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11050244_872210472835512_8710311835014803901_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 1559340_790971764292717_486130582397558228_o.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11050244_872210472835512_8710311835014803901_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11228027_941749095881649_8679588113444874424_n to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 10647061_855543717835521_5894832410314531560_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers added the photo 11228027_941749095881649_8679588113444874424_n.jpg to the album transition
- jaye unique myers joined the site