Activity of sam

    • sam
      sam commented on the photo IMG_1145n
      i like you so much and i'm looking for love , partner life to make happy small family , i have only one problem that i'm from EGYPT ... but i hope every day find one accept me , and you really amazing and look kind hugs ,,...
      • IMG_1145n
      • sam
        sam commented on the album This is me
        i like you so much and i'm looking for love , partner life to make happy small family , i have only one problem that i'm from EGYPT ... but i hope every day find one accept me , and you really amazing and look kind hugs ,,...
        • photo 2
        • sam
          • sam
            sam commented on the photo IMG_1218n
            so much beautiful
            • IMG_1218n
            • sam
              sam has a new profile photo
              • sam
                • sam
                  • sam
                    sam is now a friend with Reyna
                        • sam
                          sam is now a friend with Chelle
                              • sam
                                sam commented on the photo th_lowlaa1-2
                                ur lips , eyes , hair , body ............... all of you amazing so wonderful  i want kissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss u
                                • th_lowlaa1-2
                                • sam
                                  • sam
                                    • sam
                                      sam has a new profile photo
                                      • sam
                                        sam added the photo 87061_920 to the album me
                                        • 87061_920
                                        • sam
                                          sam created a new photo album me
                                          • 000606hP27P
                                          • 000406hP27P
                                          • 000906hP27P
                                          • 87061_920
                                          • sam
                                            sam has a new profile photo
                                            • sam
                                              • sam
                                                • sam
                                                  sam has a new profile photo