Activity of TSKierstenBunnz
- TSKierstenBunnz has a new profile photo
- TSKierstenBunnz is now a friend with Zozo
- TSKierstenBunnz commented on the photo 11063846_1415426312115272_424031562520736871_nNo you fucking idiot, I don't chat or deal with men
- TSKierstenBunnz is now a friend with Baby girl
- TSKierstenBunnz commented on the photo 11063846_1415426312115272_424031562520736871_nIt clearly states no men, so I wont chat with you
- TSKierstenBunnz added the photo 12485884_1549262435398325_925032015890225161_o to the album just a few of me
- TSKierstenBunnz added the photo 12376142_1543560925968476_9202610660411248665_n to the album just a few of me
- By Metz354
So beautiful and tempting
- By Megan32008
Your gorgeous
- TSKierstenBunnz created a new photo album just a few of me
- TSKierstenBunnz added the photo 1934544_1553015988356303_5202269583540552525_n to the album just a few of me
- TSKierstenBunnz added the photo 11063846_1415426312115272_424031562520736871_n to the album just a few of me
- By Cal917
Hi beautiful
No you fucking idiot, I don't chat or deal with men
- TSKierstenBunnz joined the site
It clearly states no men, so I wont chat with you