want to be more like a real women

i would like to dress fully like a real women but aint got the money and im running out of time in my life to do it ive always wanted to dress like a women since the age of 12 years old and ive done it off and on since than too but behind closed doors but ive always wanted to tell my family bout what i wanna do now im looking to get hormonal replacement done and everytrhing else like that but im always getting the round about and i really want to do this the whole way and any pointers that you have id apperciate them


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    • dawnmarie
      Comment by owner

      thnx misskristal i dont have skype but ill keep you in mind though and no i dont have much money since i aint working but tyring to find a job i do odds n ends for people and that aint much and i got a fine that i gotta pay off but id much rather play dress up and be a nice girl