Wishes and dreams.


    Recently I've begun to realise that being transsexual doesn't mean I have to reconcile myself to a life of singledom. Suddenly my mind is filled with all the wonderful things about relationships: Being spooned. Waking up cold and having someone warm to cling to. Conventional sex elevated by the desire to give yourself completely to your lover rather than pleasure yourself. Groggy hugs first thing in the morning. Little compliments that keep you warm inside all day long.

    Then I've been thinking about how wonderful it is to be bisexual, how men and women are complimentary but how amazing lesbianism is too. I worry that I want both so much will I be able to choose? But then I remember how lucky I am that I can fall in love with men and women which is what is important, not their sex but that they are that one person for me.

    Although I may not have transitioned as of yet, I've become ready to love, I've begun to believe that there just might be someone out there to melt my heart into theirs and share life with and that yes, they might even be able to love me for who I am.


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