A random yet valid rant


    Tell me why all too time trans attracted men on these site go looking for that flavor of the week then get upset when their labeled chasers or some of the girls only entertain the thought of them keeping cpany for a coin... When u can be upfront and say like a chosen few " hey I just wanna smash then home hop to the next ts meatshank"
    Do people even want or look for something of substance anymore or just a warm penispocket with a pulse...


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      • Kelly1983

        well my friend. ask yourself what do you want to know about someone? put that on a profile. i did write a blog about profiles a couple weeks ago and how to build them if that helps. i did take a peek at your transistion site. i think thats really cool that you made one of them .... i seen a few here and there. you wrote a lot of things that can go on a profile. your about you bio would be great. your always welcome here no matter the profile 

        • Dlee
          Comment by owner

          For those reading this blog or my profile looking for info on me start here
          t-gurldollhouse.yolasite.com I'm not one to toot my own horn and don't really like blabbing about myself... I'm just not that vain

          • Dlee
            Comment by owner

            Thnx for that input and those kind words wasn't speaking personally just in general and its also welcoming to kno some ppl actually do read the profiles mine is bland because it leaves an opening for those that "claim" they don't know what to talk about... Gives them room to ask what they want to know I'm an open book always have been always will be...
            I have an on face thnx I for one don't care about looks but most ppl do esp on ta sites lol again thnx for the kind words but this was a general post a keen observation not a personal one

            • Kelly1983

              yes there is some guys on here that are legit! just got to know how to find them. like a majority of these guys well they are just like you say.... if they bring up sex right away its probly one of them.... if it is someone that just agrees with you all the time, well they are just telling you things that you just want to hear just to get you in bed. i took a look on your profile i see you wrote just checking this out.... maybe update that and say something about yourself =D. real men actually read profiles all the way threw. your biggest issue. ill just be blunt. as attractive as you are a lot of your photos are attracting the wrong kind of guys. you have a great face too, you really dont need to show all of you! this is a great community to find someone. i just started seeing someone from this site! 

              • Dlee
                Comment by owner

                Or their looking for that over exaggerated girl with an ass to big to fit n anything but tights lips bigger then a ducks bill titties ect and ita no shade but that's a false image of what a ts is that just one persons interpretation of themself keep it 100 and the girls won't come for ur pockets and don't group us all in one box or catagory

                • Dark0ne

                  Sadly, for the most part you are right. Most of the guys just want the porn fantasy, it's sad really, because real people so often get overlooked.