Okay guys!! Listen up!!!

Cruising a Dating site, ANY dating site but ESPECIALLY a dating site geared towards dating transgender women is in best case foolish and and worst case cowardly..

First off. Transgender women are WOMEN, and  women are just as, if not more so, visually attracted as men.. so not having a picture cuts the chance of catching any serious interest  right down to practically nothing.


Transwoman take a HUGE risk by just being themselves in a setting so public as the internet.. much less putting themselves out there to try and date someone.

Soo.. when i see a profile of a man with no picture the first three thoughts that go through my mind are as follows..

!.) This guy must be hiding something from someone if he is afraid to put his picture up.. does he have a significant other he's lying to?

2.) Tranny chaser/fetishist that is worried someone might see he's cruising a transgender dating site looking for a little strange to hit and quit.. Like riding a unicycle huh??? Fun unless your friends catch you doing it?

and lastly 

3.) If  he is afraid to be seen on a trans dating site how would a date with this person go??? Would he cover my face with a bag so he's not embarrassed?? Or would we just stay inside all the time???

As you can probably tell none of these things are very complimentary.. so guys.. if you truly want to date the strong wonderful creatures that are women  and transwomen in particular??? Grow some balls and be honest about yourself. Post a picture and be truthful with your expectations.. girls have needs too.. there are some just here for sex..

I however am not one of them.. if you want to speak with me, or even friend me, do it with a real picture and do it politely and you may be surprised as the response you'll get

This is me..

 Signing off


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    • Arejaynkaitlyn

      I'm much more the opposite. Hate doing this online dating/searching thing. I am in retail sales and do much better in person. Seeing expressions and reactions is so much better than this unemotional connection through cyber space! It is very difficult to cultivate a conversation when your in a situation of just not knowing female or trangender upon first siting. So we are left here. Maybe the reasoning for lack of exposure for some guys is that they feel like In the public eye they will be viewed as dating a female. Here on this site it's evident that the male is interested in a transgender, which we all know in this society is still viewed as male, which causes them to fear exposure. For us we are confident regardless. Good topic though!

      • Jazzybubbles
        Comment by owner

        Little Immy,
        Nice eyes. Add more pictures lose the hood. And keep trying. The profile is a good start. Flesh it out a little. Add what you like to do etc..?

        • Lil Immy in the house!

          I put a picture up and still no body talks to me...

          • Dark0ne

            Damn I guess I better put some pics up.... Wait


            Joking aside, I think you're probably spot on with your assessment.

            • Toddles

              Well said m'lady