

    I sit here alone tonight, no different than most nights except for the feeling that I hit rock bottom.

    I look around me at the house I rent, not fancy but nice, large, quiet except for the sounds coming from the TV. The rent is paid, and so are the utilities, i don't have to adjust the temperature to save a few dollars on the electric bill. I don't know how many TV channels I have, but I guess I have most of them, or at least the ones that occasionally I want to listen to. My kid and I both drive new cars. I have an RV in my yard but I don't use it. I have a good job that takes up far too much of my time, but its time i'm not overly productive with otherwise, so it works well for me. 

    I'm at a point in life where I really seem to have it made and yet I feel hopeless, helpless, lost...

    I know somewhere out there is a a person who has nothing. She feels hopeless, helpless and lost because she's never caught the good breaks in life. Used, abused or taken advantage of, tossed aside, she feel that because she has nothing that she'll never be wanted, but yet no matter how hard she tries, every time she takes a step forward life comes along and knocks her back against that wall. She can't help feeling hopeless, helpless and lost.

    I wonder if she knows just how much she has...when she shares her smile and the humor reaches her eyes, when she wants to cuddle into someone's lap and feel their arms around her, the way she teases when flirting and touches when loving. 

    I wonder if two people who've hit rock bottom can find each other?

    In short, depression sucks!


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      • Hooray
        Comment by owner

        Thank you for the kindness and encouragement

        • AshleyBuxom

          And yes depression does suck. Hoping I never reach those desolate shores again.

          I really hope you find what you need to find the way back to happier waters.

          • AshleyBuxom

            Not looking for your money honey and you do not need to sell yourself that way.

            Your thoughtfulness though, and articulation do a much better job.

            "To who much is given much is expected'. From what I just read you are likely to exceed any and all expectations. :)

