Men That Seek For Affections/ LTR'S Outside Of Their State

These men in general are the biggest time wasters. What can they get in other parts of the world that they can't find locally or within their state? 


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    • I'm Strange But You Like It:)


      The truth is never pretty, it is what it is! You're argument is deeply flawed because there're transwomen in most major cities and yes even the state Montana, maybe not a huge community but they're there!

      You're not the only one who speak from experience I too have experience in internet dating and from observations and as well as experience it's very RARE that someone will pack up their entire life and relocate for love!

      For the sake of argument let's say that two people connect from different states and happen to like each other, do you honestly think these men are completely abstinent before and between visits? Surely you can't be that naïve? See this is how many girls/people end up hurt because they're not being realist and have no true perspective of human nature! Sorry, I may have been born at night but not last night! I'm not one of those  girls that believe everything some one says because people lie more than tell the truth!

      Often times men want these out of state affairs because they either have something to hide and also they don't have to be held accountable whatsoever!  See MISSY...they can always opt out of being with us by using distance as an excuse as well as many other excuses for why the relationship can never mature to the next level and by this time so much time as well as energy has been invested in someone/something that had no chance of ever being!

      Everyone has their right to do as they please, but the truth is the internet is just a big fantasy world and most people engage deeply in this world because many know all too well that the fantasy is often better then the reality!