The World Renowned Las Vegas Lounge Is Closed for Good Because of the Pandemic

I have been going to the "Lounge" since it first opened in 2000, first as an out-of-town visitor which always was a treat since there are so few bars like this in North America. 

It had it's ups-and-downs over the years. Working girls nearly made its reputation totally unsavory, especially after Jennifer the manager left in 2009. But when she returned, she cleaned it up for the better. 

Every January, during the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo convention, dozens of famous trans and non trans actors came by for cocktails and fun. 

And now it's all gone. Perhaps someone will pursue the license. But for now, when you come to Las Vegas, it's closed for good. And for those of you who always talked of coming here and going to the Las Vegas Lounge, you're too late which is a lesson. 

Quit putting things off. Time moves too fast. 


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