Misc. Insanity a.k.a. life in the food chain. Everything biological is wet and messy!!!

These are photos, dear reader, of the brief layover I encountered when my space craft was damaged while traversing your solar system forcing me to land and assume a humanoid form and persona to blend in until I was able to lay my hands on enough radioactive materials to make the necessary repairs before departing the third orb from your one solar mass star. 

PS Thank you for all the spinners! If it hadn't been for them and the plutonium, I might still be castaway on your planet. 

Captain Rhonda St. Claire, Time/Space traveller of the Omega Prime System III


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    • Peter Paul

      Im harder than chinese math

      • Rhonda
        Comment by owner

        Ground control to Major Tom....Ground control to Major Tom....Take your hormone pill and put your high heels on.....

        This is Tammy Tom to Ground Control...

        I'm dressed up like a whore....

        And I'm peeing in a most pe-peculiar way

        and the toilet seat looks very different today....

        • Rhonda
          Comment by owner

          I can read your mind like a cheap novel, Hazem. But I promise to do it reaaaaallllly slowwwwly to make it last. xo!

          • Rhonda
            Comment by owner

            Yes, under "Turn ons" on a competitor's site you listed "glasses", giggle. Admit it! You like them, don't you, Hazy? giggle. 

            • Rhonda
              Comment by owner

              Oh! lol. Okay....Hazem. I promise to be a good girl from now on and do whatever you say. Your happiness is my delight, Hazem. xo!

              • Rhonda
                Comment by owner

                I have a friend who I went to school with here and he made a LOT of money working there as an economist, so you have nothing to be sorry about. Your career is extremely important, Sweetie, and it is a good man who knows this should come before other considerations in order to support a family well. You're wise beyond your years! 

                I hope you do get to move to Canada, that's about as much of a leap in cultural and civil rights and freedoms as you can move across the spectrum! No disrespect intended, but I do know the difference and I won't travel to the middle east, even to Israel, because I'm transsexual and biseuxal, although the USA is not ideal either, I'd prefer to live in Canada and may move there, too. 

                giggle, thank you, dear, I've been in many relationships both mono and poly but never got married. I helped to raise five children that were not mine and had many things happen in my life that were both rewarding and wonderful and tragic and awful along the way, so mostly I grew apart from each partner, whether they were a man or a woman or a transgirl or some combination of that and we went our separate ways. I've been available for a few years now, partly because after I broke up with my last bf, because I found out he had a gambling addiction and other problems he'd been able to hide from me for nine months, and after my mother passed away I did not date because I was not emotionally available for two years or more. Then, after I grieved I returned to the dating scene and started doing the friends with benefits thing again and now I can be with someone any night of the week, but don't do that because I dedicate the weekend nights to legitimate dating for the purpose of finding a romantic partner with whom to marry and live the rest of my life. 

                If you stay in touch we might someday meet in North America, I'd like that. Btw, I'm 5'7" tall, so its no big deal, either, I've dated men who were shorter than me. And many are shorter when I wear high heels, most of mine are 3 or 4" tall so don't worry about it, it doesn't bother me at all and I hope you'll not be bothered by it. I don't like to wear flats, they don't make me feel very sexy, unless that's all I have on. You know what they say: "When you have lipstick you always have something to wear!" 

                • Rhonda
                  Comment by owner

                  does it involve me sitting on your lap obediently while you bit my lower lip? giggle

                  • Rhonda
                    Comment by owner

                    Oh my goodness! You are right, Ray!!!! Iol, I didn't even notice the tabs, wow. 

                    So how come a handsome, intelligent man such as yourself is still single, Sweetie? You must have a lot of girls pounding down the door trying to date you.

                    • Rhonda
                      Comment by owner

                      You're so nice! 

                      شكرا لك يا عزيزي!
                      • Rhonda
                        Comment by owner

                        giggle, I love it when a man is silly with me, you're my favorite crew member aboard this mad, mad ship of love, lol, thank you, Ray!

                        If you figure out how to find this page on a regular basis, please give me a hint, won't you, Sweetie? I am having troubles responding or even finding messages to me! It's always easy after you figure it out, so is brain surgery, I've heard. lol, but learning a new system is new, by definition and I'm having a cow cow cow!!! moooooo!!!! 

                        • Rhonda
                          Comment by owner

                          You're welcome, Sweetie! I don't know, but I recognize you. Maybe TGD or OKCupid?

                          I'm still learning how to use this site and get messages from my gmail off my phone from this site and I just realized I threw away a ton of them thinking I could find them here, but I can't find them here! 

                          Hey, at least I was able to find yours! lol. 

                          • Rhonda
                            Comment by owner

                            Thank you, Ray! So do you! I think we met before on another site, didn't we?
