For the Girls. If you want a real future

I live in Las Vegas but I was a Vegas veteran even before I moved here. I know this town well and this is for all you gurls out there who are frustrated where you live because you feel you can't transition there. Your reasons are many, but mostly that where you live the people are too narrow minded which makes it difficult just to be yourself, find a job, Etc.

Las Vegas is the best city in the United States for a trans girl to grow and live. We have the fastest growing economy. A trans girl can find a job here fairly easily if she works at it. They hire transsexuals where I work and in our classes, employees are taught how to address a transexual. It's that real. I'd say when I'm out and about on the town I'll see you a transexual 4 out of 5 days and I've seen several transexuals on the job doing a variety of things. I know this is a big obstacle for most of you girls, to give up your less than feminine job I'm worried that you'll end up bankrupt and homeless. we have a high homeless population in Las Vegas but it isn't because it's loaded with transexuals. The homeless here gambled their money away or were dopers and boozers. Focus on the real things of life and you can avoid that quite easily here.

And no I'm not talking about Las Vegas being the opportunity to live and work because prostitution is open. The contrary. Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas and frowned upon. This is a city that holmsts thousands of conventions a year, thousands of other events and they're not going to screw it up what's a bad image.

And because of that, Las Vegas is a fun place to live! And that's one reason why transsexuals are welcome here by us locals. Remember most of Las Vegas is made up of people who live elsewhere. We came here because we liked that the town was different than where we lived. And because of its difference, it's more accepting of other people.

I can't stress this enough because I've been around girls for 30 years and they've all said the same thing, I can't quit my job, I can't leave my town, blah blah blah. I'm not trying to make light of the obstacles that you have, because they exist. But I'll say this it's better in your town in 2018 then it was in 1998. That means 2018 in Las Vegas is the city where you can live your dream, better than San Francisco, where the cost of living is double what it is here, and I can say the cost of living is pretty good. Taxes are low, food prices are not bad, dairy products are a lot cheaper here and they were in my hometown of St. Louis and I'm not sure why because I certainly haven't seen any dairy farms here LOL. The only thing that's a little sticky is Real Estate. The cost of houses here have risen faster in Las Vegas in the past 18 months and any other part of the country. That doesn't mean that it's unaffordable to live here but you will pay a slight premium to live here. that's because we're the fastest-growing Metro in the country. Last year we had at 45, 000 new people, that's one every five minutes. There's a reason why people are moving to Las Vegas.

So if you thought about transition and frustrated that it won't happen, consider Las Vegas. I should mention that the University of Nevada Las Vegas just started a medical school this year. What does that mean for you? More research and development in medicine means more care opportunity for transexuals.

I've been around the block a few thousand times having been in long-term relationships with pre and post-op girls and active in a non-profit transgender support group. If you think transitioning is impossible, it's only because you haven't opened up your mind to the possibility of doing it in the town where you can get a job support yourself and continue the journey.


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    • Savannah St John

      Really Scott? I'm only in starting phases because its so hard to transition here in NY its crazy. I'm willing 2 give up everything to come there and start my life as a Tgirl.

      • Sexy in St. Louis
        Comment by owner

        Yes Rachel is right it can get very hot here. I found that once it gets over 100 you want to measure how long you're out in the sun because if you're in the shade it's not that bad. May I love it because I have some arthritis and ever since moving here absolutely no pain and a recovery from a heart attack I think was a little faster too due to the weather here

        • Rachel Ann

          One thing Scott left out, and you really need to consider this before making a decision to move to Vegas. Can you take the heat... literally?

          I have lived in Vegas three times, from 3-6 months each time. It gets hot out there. I mean, it gets REALLY HOT out there!! :)

          Okay, I know some people are into hot, but it got way too hot out there for me. There is no winter. It never gets colder than jacket-cold. It starts getting hot early, can easily hit 110+ degrees (F) by June, and can still be pushing 90 degrees (F) at midnight. And as global warming continues, the heat will only get worse.

          Yes, the climate is dry. Yes, that means it's a "dry heat". Well, that's the same kind of heat inside my oven, but I wouldn't want to live in there!! :)

          Other than that....