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    • Nathan Broniman
      from superheros to demons ripping through everything with gleeif sleep wasnt a neccessity i would forgo it entirelyinstead im left to this, spilling my thoughts out onto deaf earshitting each key with haste as if i cant create the words fast enoughand for what purpose?i have nonei have no reasoninghell maybe this is the final dreamthe one left with wonder of the unknown future riddled with paths of fire and broken glassand ive already tried to pinch myself awake
      • Gwendolyn
        So here we have it, the last of the list, the rich are right to keep the poor down, after all, if you let the poor into your ranks they will just betray you (after you betray them of course because you have to betray them, it’s only proper and they should be happier for being betrayed since they are inferior). So we are supposed to cheer the rich keeping the poor in their place-those rich being white men of course, because that pesky incompetent white woman really had to die, it’s only proper she let her betters in charge, after all.
        • holly
          note: the following poem is about my best friend jaimie. although not my biological sister she means just as much to me. this took place during a hard time in her life. i wrote this poem for her and it finally made her snap back after reading it so here it is...

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