I'm Strange But You Like It:)'s blogs: April 2019
- Most men expect transwomen to wear these things and much more self degrading clothes such as minis, very revealing clothing, etc...I was wondering why? You don't require such things from cis women so why expect or ask that of us???
- These men in general are the biggest time wasters. What can they get in other parts of the world that they can't find locally or within their state?
Latest comments
- I'm Strange But You Like It:) on Lingerie,High Heals, Garters and etc.... (): And what do you give them in return? I highly doubt you get much out of them...
- I'm Strange But You Like It:) on Men That Seek For Affections/ LTR'S Outside Of Their State (): @LArefugee The truth is never pretty, it is what it is! You're argument...