tamisn's blogs: January 2017

    • tamisn
      Just started my diet for this year, aiming to get a nice fem body. But its hard lol. Im not eating much and there are so many temptations out there... Arrr Well so my diet is the same more or less eveny day now... Breakfast, two glass of soa...

    Latest comments

      • tamisn
        tamisn on Slow (): I super fast Internet, and my device is one of latest models, but still have...
        • admin
          admin on Slow (): What type of internet connection do you have and if mobile was it 4G, 3G,...
          • Micheal9292
            Micheal9292 on Slow (): It sometimes is very slow with loading
            • DicksOutForHarambe
              DicksOutForHarambe on Diet time (): salad*