
with all the people here, I get -0- msg's...oh, a few friends but that's not what I'm interested this some sort of closed club?


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    • Rachel Ann

      I can certainly appreciate that, as is usually the case in Small-Town, Anywhere.

      Part of the problem is your profile is woefully inadequate. You don't have to go overboard with details, like I do, but you have to give people enough information so they can paint a mental picture about you and what life would be like with you. As it stands right now, you are a closed book. A few syllables in your profile just doesn't cut it.

      And even if you update your profile with all the pertinent information a person needs to make an informed decision, you will still be faced with a very steep, uphill climb to find the right match because that is simply the nature of this particular beast.

      • QuietRiot
        Comment by owner

        Well, my feet aren't exactly cemented in place here is pretty cheap, altho boring

        • Rachel Ann

          Did you seriously believe you were going to meet someone here who actually lives in Perry... or would be willing to travel to Perry... or would be willing to relocate to Perry... especially given the way you described Perry?