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    • Akua
      It's so important for us to get rid of the stigma attached to being transattracted. So many people, including transpeople, have no positive terms to identify our relationships both for love or of a strictly sexual nature. This is why I think this...
      • ashley
        i have always imagined what if would be like to be a guy ,deep inside me i truelly want to be a guy  but am too scared to have surgery  in amthinking if i did have  surgery that my family would hate me , but im  always ...
        • Keith
          As a visible vocal advocate for the transgender community in my area I was aware of and took part in this study as did the Madison and Milwaukee area trans groups so the figures didn’t astound me but they certainly did dismay me I was...
          • All Gender Health
            We are looking for transwomen who have sex with non trans men.  Go to and be a part of it and earn money. Contact me with any questions-thanks!
            • Gwendolyn
                Been away for a while. Things have been kind of hectic in my life. But who cares? I am alive and so are you (assuming no zombies read this rubbish). So I am about to go in for some surgery. Night before, is it scary? Not really. I think the...
              • Sammi
                Hii all, I just wanted to star my blog post and say hi to everyone.  Hope we all find good things :-)
                • Rob
                  ...It would seem to me that anyone subscribing to a dating site would want to shine the best possible light that they could upon themselves. With that said, it amazes me that people don't respond to emails even if it is only to say..."we are not a...
                  • Darrell
                    So i went outside today to lots of smoke from all the fires go figure now my house is going to smell like fire. Guess no coffee on the patio tomorrow either.
                    • Gwendolyn
                      So there is an argument going on in the UN that over transgender protection laws currently being passed or considered around the world. Right now transgender is typically defined as anyone identifying...
                      • Joe
                        Hi I don't know if this is a blog but I thought I would try? I know that. I have heard that gay's   don't like to mix with C/D or T/S . Well what Iam looking for or if any one can answer my question about any camping ground's in or around...

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