Gwendolyn's blogs: June 2011

    • Gwendolyn
        I am off to get consultations for surgery and I am left to ask myself what does a consultation mean to me? I know what the world, well the usa and Canada at least, think of a consultation in this light- a meeting to discuss and facilitate...
      • Gwendolyn
        So I finally got around to submitting again. Now I am sure you were all hoping for some bondage talk but I am talking novels for publication. In its own way it is a power game. I do not have the money or resources to publish and market my books and...
        • Gwendolyn
            Once again I find myself depressed and alone and I have to ask, am I the only one who gets horny when I am miserable? Everyone else I seem to know wants to be alone or isolated when they get depressed. It is an interesting phenomenon to me...
          • Gwendolyn
            I had some strange thoughts the other night when contemplating past experiences and my interpretations of them.... What does it mean to be rejected? Is it when a stranger sneers at you for what you look like? Or is it when a friend brushes you off?...