Gwendolyn's blogs

    • Gwendolyn
        I am always impressed by the racism, homophobia and white supremacy of films in the last century. But rarely are we given an opportunity to see it in our 2012 blockbusters. A rare treat it is indeed to see so many offensive portrayals rolled...
      • Gwendolyn
          I re-encountered an internet meme going around that goes something like this,   My boyfriend told me I don’t deserve his love. Reaction: Your boyfriend is a sick bastard. God Told me I don’t deserve his love. Reaction:...
        • Gwendolyn
            There is a lot of talk of Gender Identity as different from Sex. Usually it follows on the line that gender is what you feel you are, and sex is what you physically are, or what your biology tells us you are. As such Sex has become a major...
          • Gwendolyn
              Been away for a while. Things have been kind of hectic in my life. But who cares? I am alive and so are you (assuming no zombies read this rubbish). So I am about to go in for some surgery. Night before, is it scary? Not really. I think the...
            • Gwendolyn
              So there is an argument going on in the UN that over transgender protection laws currently being passed or considered around the world. Right now transgender is typically defined as anyone identifying...
              • Gwendolyn
                  What a beautiful and sweet and delicate and oh so desirable word. But wait, what does it mean exactly? Why is it some languages have a dozen or more words for love and English is stuck with one. Let us break this down about shall we. Oh...
                • Gwendolyn
                    Here is a fun topic I refer to a lot and say little about. Well maybe more than a little. But what is it to be introspective. The simple answer is you think about who and what you are and why and how you behave, then you try to figure out if...
                  • Gwendolyn
                    I have made of lot of choices in my life and most of them have never really felt like a choice. So why is that? We could get into the whole free will debate if we wanted by as we know from the uncertainty principle even if we don’t have free...
                    • Gwendolyn
                        What is perfection? A difficult question and one that is perhaps impossible to answer. Maybe that is why people like to attribute perfection to a deity thereby relinquishing their responsibility to be better. Perhaps that is the fundamental...
                      • Gwendolyn
                          So I found surgeons that I like and booked my surgeries. But of course this comes with its own pangs of nervousness, but not about getting the surgery- that I know I want and have known for at least 15 years, probably longer. What I think I...