Gwendolyn's blogs: July 2011

    • Gwendolyn
      I have made of lot of choices in my life and most of them have never really felt like a choice. So why is that? We could get into the whole free will debate if we wanted by as we know from the uncertainty principle even if we don’t have free...
      • Gwendolyn
          What is perfection? A difficult question and one that is perhaps impossible to answer. Maybe that is why people like to attribute perfection to a deity thereby relinquishing their responsibility to be better. Perhaps that is the fundamental...
        • Gwendolyn
            So I found surgeons that I like and booked my surgeries. But of course this comes with its own pangs of nervousness, but not about getting the surgery- that I know I want and have known for at least 15 years, probably longer. What I think I...